09.03.2024, 10:00 A.M.
Pillars and Pediments: A Walking Tour of North Mall, Cork
10.00 am Meet at Distillery House, North Mall, Cork for registration.
10.15am Walking tour commences.
11.00am Civic Trust House (coffee & tour of the house)
12.45pm Conclusion of Walking Tour followed by lunch.
1.00pm Lunch at designated venue.
The walk begins at Distillery House and continues with a study of the houses on the North Mall, Grenville Place, Bachelors Quay and Pope’s Quay. The North Mall is unusual in its regularity and opposite (Grenville Place) stands a group of eighteenth-century houses including the ‘Boole’ house currently undergoing restoration. The remnants of Bachelor’s Quay include a terrace of mid eighteenth-century two-bay houses, though we lament the loss of the ‘Dolls House’, a substantial Georgian townhouse demolished in the 1960s. We will visit one of the finest Greek Revival temples in the city, which houses St. Mary’s Pope’s Quay with a richly ornamented interior and the Civic Trust House, 50 Pope’s Quay, a remarkable early Georgian survival.
The walking tour will be guided by Kevin Hurley and will look at some period building exteriors on the North Mall, Grenville Place, Bachelor’s Quay and Pope’s Quay. Architectural details include fine examples of doorcases, fanlights, railings, lamp holders, pillars and pediments.
Tickets cost €35 (members), €40 (non-members), including lunch and must be purchased in advance.
Please mail booking form to Kevin Hurley, Hazeldene, 1 Amberley, Grange, Douglas, Cork T12 NTN2 (Tel: 087-9266826 (WhatsApp/SMS/Text/Voice) or email: corkigs@gmail.com). Please make your cheque payable to the Irish Georgian Society, Cork Chapter.
Terms & Conditions: Participation at the discretion of the committee. No bookings accepted without payment. Booking form to be completed in full including membership number and expiry date. Programme subject to change without notice.
Note: Please wear comfortable footwear and warm / waterproof clothing.